Dystopian Wars

Official site for the Dystopian Wars.

Space 1889

Photographs and information on the classic Victorian Steampunk game.

Old West & Steampunk

Combining cowboys with steam.

The Difference Engine

Wargaming in the world of the analytical engine.

Dystopian Wars

Prussian Empire Gallery - Dystopian Wars

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher was a famous Prussian Generalfeldmarschall (Field Marshall) who was known for his rather direct military tactics. 'On it like Blucher' is a term synonymous in the Prussian military for taking the fight to the enemy. The designers behind this Dreadnought certainly took this to heart. FOUR powerful Primary turrets rain death on enemy targets and row after row of Tesla Coils rip into enemy vessels.

These photographs are from the collection of Felix.

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Blucher Class Dreadnought

Blucher Class Dreadnought